Sunday, February 24, 2019

Who are you? What are you good at?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a highly reliable (meaning it produces consistent results over time) personality type indicator.  It assesses personal preference based on 4 different axes:

E/I = Extrovert/Introvert
do you prefer to focus on the outer world (extrovert) or your inner world (introvert)?

S/N = Sensing/iNtuition
Do you prefer to focus on basic information (sensing) or do you prefer to add meaning (intuition)?

T/F = Thinking/Feeling
When making decisions do you prefer to use logic and consistency (thinking) or do you consider people and circumstances (feeling)?

J/P = Judging/Perceiving
When dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to make quick decisions (judging) or do you prefer to stay open to new options (perceiving)?

As you prepare to go off into the wild yonder, it can be helpful to think about what ways you prefer to engage with the world, as these preferences will impact what kinds of social environments you most enjoy, the kinds of jobs you will like and be good at, etc.  

The actual Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a very long and very expensive test.  However, a good approximation can be found here.

Click the link and take the test.  A capital YES indicates a strong preference, a lower case yes a mild preference, etc.  If you are uncertain of either the meaning of the question OR of your answer, click "uncertain."  You do need to answer every question.

At the end click "Score it" and you will get a 4 letter outcome.  Read about your personality type and see if it fits with how you see yourself.  Jot down your personality type and some of the things you found most notable in the type description.  Check with your friends and family - do they think it describes you well?